In 1970s Singapore, iconic concrete playground structures were designed and built in the form of doves, pelicans, elephants and dragons – mostly the work of former HDB in-house designers like Mr Khor Ean Ghee.

Badge Pin | The Playground Series – Dragon Melamine Plate | The Playground Series -Dragon
The Dove Playgound at Blk 10 Dakota Crescent
Image: Roots.govt.sgBadge Pin | The Playground Series – Dove
The Pelican Playground previously at Blk 35 Dover Road Badge Pin | The Playground Series – Pelican
The Elephant Playground at Pasir Ris Park Badge Pin | The Playground Series – Elephant
Unfortunately, majority of these playgrounds were demolished due to Singapore’s rapid redevelopment.
Thankfully, efforts were made by grassroot groups to eventually convince the local heritage governing body to conserve 3 out of the 4 playgrounds featured here.
Melamine Plate | The Playground Series – Pelican Melamine Plate | The Playground Series – Elephant
Melamine Plate | The Playground Series -Dragon Melamine Plate | The Playground Series – Dove
Relive the nostalgia when having a tea-time snack with the Playground series melamine plates (20cm in diameter) or with a series badge pin.
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